Crystal Miles

Crystal Miles
Trainer Specialties
Conflict & Stress Management, Diversity & Inclusion, HR Law, Mental Health First Aid
Trainer Background

A speaker, trainer, and certified Mental Health First Aid instructor, Crystal has been a mental health, substance abuse recovery, and child welfare advocate for as long as she can remember. She has experience working with Florida-based mental health and wellness agencies including the Florida Department of Children and Families Substance Abuse and Mental Health office, multiple Sheriff’s offices and police departments across the state of Florida, as well as many community agencies throughout the state. Crystal is a frequent speaker and presenter in her community about mental health, domestic violence, and substance abuse recovery services. As a trainer for Elevate, Crystal draws on 12 years’ experience with state government and contracted agencies in the child welfare, substance abuse, and mental health fields to deliver training on diverse topics such as Mental Health First Aid, Wellness Recovery Action Planning, Ethics, HIPAA, HR Basics, Trauma Awareness, Cultural Diversity, and Effective Communications Skills. Currently she is engaged with regional administration as a Florida Certified Contract Manager, human resources liaison, and training coordinator for the Florida Department of Children and Families, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Program with the Northwest Region of Florida. She is currently working to become a Certified Recovery Peer Specialist. Crystal enjoys teaching and is heavily involved in creating and sustaining a Recovery Oriented System of Care at every event, training, and speech she facilitates.